I have felt like shit all week, not ill or hungover but just burnt out, knackered. Every night this week i have had a shit nights sleep, i wake up in the morning quite early as i always do, not wanting to look at the clock, it could be 4.30 in the morning and i'm worrying about it being 7.30 which is when i get up, its been like this all this week, keeping myself awake for hours thinking about having to get up! You just cant get back to sleep once you start worrying about the time in the morning. I wonder if Temazapam would help? I might as Sarah to start sleeping in the front room.....yeah right!
The tiredness follows me from my bed everywhere, train, work, no escape, its been horrible, i think i'll get on the phones, start getting some leads and that will spur me on, *ring ring*,
"Hi can you put me throught to IT please"
...just putting through...
"Can i speak to Mr IT mgr please"
"Mr IT Mgr speaking"
"Hi, Its Tony at......".......the phone has gone down and I'm thinking about launching everything through the window. Mother fuckers, where are there manners, I appreciate that they have numerous companys flogging them numerous products all the time,
BUT FUCKIN MANNERS COST NOTHING YOU FAT SHITTY BASTARDI will be going on holiday within the next 6 weeks, for the sake of my sanity and my already receding hairline, I guarantee it.
Thats my week, thank God its Friday!
Over and Out